In worship this Sunday, we will be reflecting on our Bedrock Belief about God:
At MCC Newcastle, we believe:
God is always present. God loves and
accepts everyone unconditionally.
Sometimes the presence of God is easy to feel – we are at peace with God and feel God’s presence close by. Sometimes though, life is hard or busy, or just very mundane. It is not clear where the Divine is; we might even feel that God has abandoned us completely. At these times, we need to rely on our previous experience of God, or rely on the faith of others in whom we trust.
It is important to remember that we experience God in different ways at different times. Being able to identify and
name that may help us to feel God more fully.
When my partner Monica was struggling with cancer, I felt God’s presence as blessing, through the people who supported us, and grace, in the way that Monica and I each coped with our situation. Now, as I learn to live without her
and go through the grieving process, I experience God through the process of healing.
Just as St Antony’s is a great place for me to really have time to be with God, each person has their own way of “tuning in” to God’s presence – music, nature, being creative, just being still and silent. There is no right or wrong way – just the way that helps us to really feel the Divine.
This week, try and find some time to do what helps you connect with the God who is always there and always loves you.
God bless,