resurrection – one of the many mysteries of our faith.
Sometimes, when we read the gospels or other parts of scripture, we might struggle to understand or to believe what we read. Nevertheless, when people of faith gather together and share their journeys, most individuals are able to say “This is what helped me get through a difficult time”. People sometimes also say “This for me is a really important belief.”
At MCC Newcastle, we believe:
· God is always present. God loves and accepts everyone
· Jesus offers everyone chances for new life and hope, especially to those on the edges ofsociety. His life is an important example to follow.
· The Holy Spirit moves in different ways,such as inspiring, challenging and healing us, and deepening our relationship
with God.
· Faith gives us strength, hope and meaning through good times and bad.
· The Bible is there to inspire and guide. It is not a rule book and can be read with love, compassion and questioning.
· Church should be a safe home for all people. We welcome diversity and believe it brings strength. We believe that ministry is open to everyone and through it, people
develop their gifts.
· Worship is a two-way communication between people and God, expressed in different ways. It should be inclusive and bring people together.
Over the next few weeks, between Easter and Pentecost,
we are going to reflecting on these “Bedrock Beliefs” of our faith community, here at MCC Newcastle. These have been drawn up after the visioning days and housegroups all over the region. They are the statements that try to encapsulate
the key aspects of the seven different subjects that are most significant for us. Our personal beliefs may add more to these statements, but I think they sum up well what we hold dear as a church.
As we come out of the darkness of Lent into the joy and light of Eastertide, I invite you to use one of these statements as a guide to your prayer and reflection each week.
God Bless,