It certainly has been a rollercoaster of a journey. And now what do we do? The next great event in the church calendar is Pentecost – traditionally the birth of the Christian church. What do we do between now and then?
On Easter Sunday, MCC Newcastle launched its Twitter account with our Easter message:
“Jesus came out of the tomb, so you could come out of the closet”
Twitter is a way of sending short messages using the internet to potentially hundreds or even thousands of people. Our Twitter account is @mccnewcastle If you see a twitter message (called a “tweet”) that you like, you pass it on. We want to use modern technology to let people know the ancient and everlasting Good News – Jesus lived amongst us, died and rose again so that we could have life in ALL its fullness. This is what the disciples did between the resurrection and Pentecost. Little by little, they spread the Good News. Jesus kept appearing to them to reassure and comfort them, to let them know he was still around.
This Easter, we want the Good News to “go viral” – that is, to spread around the world. “Life in its fullness” will mean different things to each of us. “Coming out of the closet” might be about our sexuality, it might be about anything that is keeping us from being our true selves. Wouldn’t the world be an amazing place if everyone came out of their “self doubt” or “not good enough” closet and lived as the fabulous and beautiful people God created us to be?
Some of us will never quite get to grips with all the 21st century ways of communicating, but we can still just promise ourselves that we will pass on the Good News of God’s unconditional love to at least one other person this month.
Who do you know that needs to hear the Good News?
God bless,