Over the last year, MCCN has experienced tremendous growth in spirituality, service and … numbers! All of this growth means that we are now a little crowded on a Sunday when we worship in the hall, and we need to think about how we can create a space for worship that allows us to really maximise all of our talents and abilities.
The first step is to move into the main church from Easter Sunday. This will allow us more space, flexibility and opportunities for creative worship experiences. And this is where you come in!
We need your creativity, vision and passion at an ‘Embrace the Space’ workshop event on Saturday, 19th March from 10:00-12:00. We invite you to spend a few hours with us in the main church, considering ways we can transform the existing space into one that feels truly ‘ours’ on a Sunday night. If you are a musician we invite you to bring your instrument and plan to play it in the space.
Breakfast provided! See you there!